Wednesday 25 January 2012

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I believe my magazine publisher would need smaller then other big firms like Bauer for example because my magazine is focused on a niche market instead of a mass market. This is because my magazine is aimed at people who are still into the old style rock but don't mind more modern acts too. If it was published by a big company it would be a little magazine compared to others and I feel they would only publish it to make there base a bit more broad but then I believe I wouldn't have what I wanted in there, it would have to be published the way they wanted it.

A publisher like Future, who publish classic rock magazine, would be perfect because classic rock focus on the big bands from the older years whereas my magazine focuses on the not so popular ones but who are still doing really well and still creating music. In effect I believe my magazine would be classic rocks little brother due to the factors above. Using classic rock to advertise my magazine it would alert readers to my magazine and help its appeal factor without taking readers away from classic rock so in affect I wont be competing with it. Also I believe by publishing it through future it would make it a lot easier to sell my magazine and hopefully have the freedom  to do what I want and to get more time with the experts etc to really work out what the readers want.

I would have my magazine sold in places like WHSmiths because they have a range of magazines and more people look for magazines there, also i would put my magazine online to keep up with the way the market is changing which will hopefully increase the demand of the magazine. I would also create a radio station to go along side it and to play the music we feature in the magazines and have regular interviews with them. I also feel by creating an app for apple products and android products this would be perfect because everyone now days seems to like to do stuff on the move so this can keep up with customer needs.

Advantages of publishing with bigger companies is that you will always be making money because of the brand themselves and the reason they have so many magazines and advertising space to advertise the magazine. However disadvantages of publishing with bigger companies is that you may not get the time spent on you that you need and you might just be drowned in the amount of magazines they have already and they will make you put in there what they want, not what you want.

Advantages of being self-published or with small companies is that you can get your magazine focused on and you will get more help in creating and getting your magazine out there. Although you may not make as much money you will enjoy it more because it will all be focused on you. However disadvantages is that it might be harder to advertise your magazine because of money problems or the business just not having anymore space plus the fact that if the business goes into administration then you will lose a lot of money whereas with a big company you wouldn't.

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