Friday 20 January 2012

 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Creating my music magazine I mainly used Adobe Photoshop to design my magazine and to edit my pictures etc. I learn't when using photoshop to edit pictures and change the contrasts of the photos and to generally improve the looks of the picture. Also I learn't to blend it into the background and how effective it is using photoshop to create and design things with ease. However I did have some problems with it but then i overcome them and found it a lot easier. Advantages of using photoshop is that it is easier and a lot quicker to create things instead of having to use loads of different programs to create something although it does take a while to get used to what to do on it. Disadvantages are that is does take a very long time to save things on there which can be a hassle and also it does like to crash now again which is annoying.

On the Internet I used programs such as Blogger, Flickr, De font and Survey Monkey to help do my research and to create my magazine.

Flickr is good because it lets you easily annotate pictures and write about them. However a disadvantage is that it does become quite complicated when you want to upload the photo's and quite a lot of the time it would either take ages to upload or it just wouldn't do it.

 Da font was easy and quick to use and find the font you want. However if you went of the website then back on it you would find it very hard to find the font again unless you download which we couldn't do because of the accessibility on our computers.

On survey monkey I found it easy to just sign up and create a survey, however it was hard to get people to actually do the survey because you had to actually send it to people instead of it find random people to send the survey too which was the whole purpose in the survey.

Blogger was good to use to upload my research and stuff that needed uploading for coursework but I did have quite a lot of problems understanding how to use it because it is quite hard but now I understand it and use it with ease so this factor isn't a problem anymore.

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