Thursday 2 February 2012

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The people I'm aiming my magazine at are the older generation who still have the rock fever inside of them, Also the ones that like new rock as well. My audience are people who dress normal and aren't too bothered with flashy products and are just laid back/outgoing people who respect the environment. The target audience has always had a good reputation although it is thought that most old rock bands smoked cannabis and done drugs etc but in now days society I don't think it is frowned upon and i don't think anyone really worries about it and back in there day it was just the norm.

In the picture you can see that both look laid back and relaxed which is exactly what the target audience are. You can see that neither picture have anything flashy and in your face. They generally dress up in jeans, casual shirt and a pair of converse style trainers which represents a relaxed audience who aren't mainstream but their not out of fashion or older style.

The age generation is roughly between 40-55 year old's because they are generally the sort of people who grew up in the rock era's of the 60's, 70's and 80's. However I do believe that people aged between 16-25 year old's are also people who are really interested in old school rock because their parents or whoever may have played it while they were a kid or other peoples influence have meant that they are really interested in old fashion rock like myself. I think generally it has more male fans than female fans however there are obvious exceptions to this classification.
I don't think that magazines of this type are aimed to advertise lots and lots of the latest products etc, it is aimed at advertising bands albums and merchandise which is what the readers want because the latest fashion and gadgets etc don't interest them, they just want things that are treats and show there support to bands etc so. So by doing this the magazine can advertise effectively and give consumers the chance to buy them sort of products and also shows them where to get them from because sometimes it can be very hard to find bands merchandise unless they are someone who is mainstream due to the fact of the shear number of youths who would buy it which isn't what this sort of music is about.

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