Monday 26 September 2011



Would you pay for a college magazine ?
No  x 7 , Yes x 3
As you can see our results show that 70% of people wouldn’t pay for the magazine therefore we will not be charging for the magazine.
Do you read magazines if so which ones ?
No x 6 , Yes x 4 – Kerrang , OK , Mens Health, Nuts
As you can see from our results not many people read magazines but the people who do read gossip,music  and health magazines.
Would you read a college magazine ?
No x 6 , Yes x 4
Not many people would read a college magazine but there still are people who would.
Would you read the magazine online ?

No x 8, Yes x2

As you can see not many people would read the magazine therefore we will not make our magazine online available.

What kind of music do you like ?
Variety x5 , Rap x3, Rock x1 , Other x1
As you can see, half of the people like a variety of music and others like individual ones.
Do you have an interest in sports ?
No x7, Yes x3
Not many people have an interest in sport so therefore it will not be included in our magazine.
What kind of articles would you be interested in ?
Music x7, Cars x2, Fashion x1
As you can most people like to read about music articles so therefore we will include it in our magazine.

How often should the magazine come out ?
Monthly x8, Weekly x2
Most people said it should come out monthly therefore we will produce it monthly.
What discounts would attract you to the magazine ?
Theme parks x5, Cinema x2, Fast food x2, Morrisons x1
In our magazine we will include theme park and cinema discounts as they are the ones most people wanted.
What sort of the theme would you like ?
Comedy x 4, Music x3, Fashion x2, College  x1
As you can see most people would like it to be a funny one or musical themed.

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