Wednesday 8 February 2012

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions exist because it is the way in which readers want it to be set out and because it is the way most magazines layout there magazines which is why they exist. Also the photos are usually models looking 'perfect' and don't look natural because they want the reader to aspire to be like them etc.

On my front page I don't feel that I did follow conventions too much because usually the masthead would be across the top but I felt that it was too common and thought that the audience I'm aiming for didn't want the conventional layout and wanted something different which is what I did. In my photo on my front page I made sure I followed conventions by doing doing a medium close up with him in clothes that suit the audience and also its generally what they wear.

On my contents I made the layout simple which follows the conventions that are set by the classic rock magazine, however other rock magazines like kerrang! etc have a messy layout and everything is garish and in your face which is not what my audience wanted. I had to make the contents appeal to my audience which is what I believe I done.

My double page spread is also laid out very conventional for a classic rock magazine because it is simple with a few pull quotes a long range image and it looks very relaxed. Whereas other rock magazines pictures always look like they are going insane and want to go nuts whereas my audience don't want that sort of calibre of picture.

Music magazine front cover

Music magazine front cover by l456
Music magazine front cover, a photo by l456 on Flickr.

Music magazine contents

Music magazine contents by l456
Music magazine contents, a photo by l456 on Flickr.

Music magazine double page

Music magazine double page by l456
Music magazine double page, a photo by l456 on Flickr.

Friday 3 February 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product?

 This is what I believe to be the looks of someone who would listen to older style rock but still enjoy a lot of the new stuff. As you can see he has long, brown, thin sort of hair and has a clean beard that isn't scruffy. This is the style that was very popular in the 60's, 70's and 80's and is still popular within the genre now days.  People such as Chad from Nickelback still use the look that was fashionable back in the old era's and still make it look fashionable so people/youths still want to look and wear the same as they did back then.

They would be laid back people who aren't mainstream but they are certainly not out of fashion or look odd. They normally were a simple clothing outfit of jeans, shirt/t shirt and a pair of converse style trainers with maybe a nice pair of shades which is a style that will fit into any sort of calibre of people because it is a casual/smart look. They would shop casually and not look to buy the big expensive brands, its just what they need and want. They would generally like a big dinner like burgers or steak etc with chips. They rarely worry about their weight because they believe they are what they are and its not going to change anything.

I think they would buy my magazine because it represents exactly what they want in a magazine: simple and interesting. By setting my magazine out like this I know this is what the target audience want and it will definitely encourage people to read it by what actually features in the magazine.

In my magazine I believe that bands merchandise and gig tickets should be advertised in the magazine because I feel this is all what the audience will really want. This is because they will still want to show there support for there band and they will still be really interested in seeing them live because they may not have seen them as a kid or teenager. By advertising these sort's of products I believe the advertising side of things will be very successful and will definitely help boast sales for the advertisers and the magazine.